American College Dublin. Student Blog: Lindsay Doran

Monday, 2 July 2012

Last week was yet another busy week of my internship at American College Dublin. The week started with with an amazing dinner with Marsha Glines, her two friends, Mary Kirk, and Colum. We went to a very delicious restaurant called Matt the Thresher which is known for its fresh seafood. The dinner started a bit rocky when we found out that most of the seafood offered on the menu was no longer in stock due to a busy weekend for the restaurant. After deciding on a few different dishes and all being told they were out, our table laughed with amusement. Everyone eventually chose a dish that was available and made a mental note to not go to fresh seafood restaurants on Monday considering there is a strong possibility that many of their main dishes would be out. After getting our orders taken care of, we enjoyed each others’ company while discussing a variety of topics. Throughout dinner I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was to be in such good company with many people that I had developed relationships and friendships with. Marsha: a four year and still going relationship from my undergraduate career at university in Florida. She is and I strongly believe someone I will always keep in touch with for the rest of my life. She is a smart, genuine, funny and caring person who I have always felt more than comfortable talking to and truthfully love spending time with. Colum: In one short year, as I mentioned in my earlier blogs has become more than just an advisor, he is my friend. I constantly joke with him that he is also my free therapist. He is an amazing listener and always gives me great advice and allows be to look at a situation from different perspectives. He knows how to keep me calm and rationalize my thoughts when I dramatically think my world is in shambles. Mary Kirk: I have worked with Mary Kirk for almost two months now, and she always seems to keep me laughing. Her humor and friendly personality are two of her many amazing personality traits. Mary Kirk is also another very caring individual. I had mentioned at dinner that I was beginning to get nervous about not finding a job when I get back to Ireland before my school classes start in the fall. The next morning, I wake up to a facebook inbox from Mary Kirk with a few different websites highlighting jobs in Dublin. I couldn’t help but think how sweet and thoughtful that was for her to take the time and send me on links. It is meeting amazing people like this that makes my experience so much more enjoyable and meaningful. It was also a great pleasure to spend time with Marsha’s friends as well. They are two very inspiring women who are in the process of building a center for children and families with autism. Coming from a strong background and passion to help people myself, it is nice to see others doing such great things.

On Wednesday Marsha, her two friends and I decided to take the Dart into Howth, which is another small fishery town on the outskirts of Dublin City Centre to get some fresh fish and chips. We really lucked out with the weather, which made walking around Howth that much more enjoyable. Although both Marsha and I have been to Howth before, it was her two friends first time ever visiting. I was delighted to hear that they loved the area and thought the lunch we had was delicious.

My weekend ended on a great note with a casual interview at one of my favorite pubs in town called Four Dame Lane. Over the course of the month and a half I have lived in Dublin this summer, I managed to become friendly with Four Dame Lanes manager and joking asked a few weeks back if they ever had any job openings I was in desperate need of a job starting in August. Surprisingly, on Friday night the manager asked me if I was still in need of a job and if so to come back the following evening anytime after 6pm to have an interview, no resume needed. After a brief conversation with him Saturday night he told me that the job was mine, and we wanted to me start this Friday at 9pm. I couldn’t be more pleased how everything seems to be turning out and falling into place for me. Just a few days prior I was paranoid that I wasn’t going to be able to find anything and now I am the newest employee of Four Dame Lane. Once again, its moments and opportunities like these that make me firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and things will always fall into place the way you want them to. Although I am nervous about my new job, I am excited to have this experience and share it with my readers as well. Until next week!

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